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Blog - Petmart » first time puppy owners

  • The Ultimate Guide for First-Time Puppy Owners: From Bringing Your Puppy Home to Basic Training

    The Ultimate Guide for First-Time Puppy Owners: From Bringing Your Puppy Home to Basic Training
    The ultimate guide for first-time puppy owners is a comprehensive guide that covers everything from bringing your new puppy home to basic training, feeding, exercise and grooming. It starts by helping new puppy owners to create a comfortable and safe environment for their new puppy, and establish a routine for them. The guide also provides tips for potty training, socialising and obedience training, as well as information about proper nutrition and exercise. It also covers grooming and preventive care and the importance of regular check-ups and vaccinations. The guide emphasises...

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  • Feeding Your Puppy: A Beginner's Guide for First-Time Owners

    Feeding Your Puppy: A Beginner's Guide for First-Time Owners
    This blog post provides a beginner's guide to feeding your puppy, including recommended diet, portion sizes, and common mistakes to avoid as a first-time owner to ensure proper nutrition and growth. The post explains the importance of feeding a diet specifically formulated for puppies, establishing a feeding schedule, providing fresh water and avoiding overfeeding, feeding table scraps and not adjusting the diet as the puppy grows. Additionally, the blog post stresses the importance of consulting with your vet if you're unsure about what type of food to feed your puppy...

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  • The Importance of Exercise and Playtime for Your Puppy

    The Importance of Exercise and Playtime for Your Puppy
    The Importance of Exercise and Playtime for Your Puppy: A beginner's guide for first-time owners highlights the importance of physical and mental stimulation for a puppy's overall health and well-being. It covers the benefits of regular exercise, including maintaining a healthy weight and promoting proper muscle development, as well as the importance of playtime for socialisation and mental stimulation. The blog also provides tips and ideas for incorporating exercise and playtime into a puppy's daily routine.

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